1·Meanwhile, it discusses developing trend and study emphasis for deep seabed mining robot vehicle.
2·Odunton called a 'a new milestone in the life of the authority and for the regime for deep seabed mining.
3·Japanese researchers scouring the deep seabed around Nagasakiuncovered the remains of a Mongol shipwreck from the 13th century.
4·Accurate control of the robot is a hard task because of complex unknown environment in deep seabed and robot's own characteristics.
5·The serial data communication between deep seaengineering control machine and the fiber options is implemented in deep seabed automatic mining.
6·Core sampling drill for deep seabed shallow strata is necessary equipment in exploration of deep seabed mineral resources and survey of deep seabed geology etc.
7·A dynamic model of deep seabed tracked vehicle is proposed, and the special deep seabed environment and mechanical design of the vehicle body are taken into consideration.
8·The research on deep seabed mining technology has important stratagem significance. Deep seabed moving mining robot influences the implementation of national ocean plan greatly.
9·On the effect of environment and mining vehicle itself, deep seabed Self-propelled tracked mining machine mining process has characteristics of unknown, random, and nonlinear etc.
10·For many countries, though, the first booty from any newly acquired seabed will be either oil or gas, both of which can now be extracted fairly easily from deep water.